At Halesowen chiropractic clinic, we have seen and treated many patients who have presented with Sciatica. When someone presents with Sciatica, it usually means they are experiencing some form of irritation of the sciatic nerve in one or occasionally both legs. The sciatic nerve is one of the largest nerves in the body, which starts in the lower back and runs down into the hips, buttocks, legs and feet. Typical symptoms of sciatic pain can range from an ache in the affected leg to a sharp burning sensation or excruciating pain. Some patients may report that the pain felt is like an electric shock, numbness/ tingling or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot.
Common causes of Sciatica include:
Disc herniation/ slipped disc – when the disc between the bones in your spine (vertebra) pushes out and pinches the sciatic nerve.
Spinal stenosis – this is due to the narrowing of the spine, typically at the lower back (lumbar stenosis) or neck (cervical stenosis), which makes it difficult for nerves to pass through.
Spondylolisthesis – is when one vertebra moves out of it’s normal position in the spine over another. Some people are born with this and others can develop it after an accident or some form of trauma.

Another common cause of sciatica is due to tightness/ irritation of the piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle runs from the sacrum (mid-line base of spine) to the trochanter (outer hip bone). This muscle is used constantly in most of our movements, but it is especially worked in athletes. The sciatic nerve can run between the pirifomis muscle or underneath it, so when the muscle is aggravated, damaged or inflamed it can cause irritation to the sciatic nerve and lead to pain down the affected leg.
Harish Kapur DC
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